Monday, January 21, 2013

What's your GOLDEN GOOSE?

Golden Goose referral sources keep giving....
It makes me smile to watch Gold Star members get a good referral. I know that for the sake of appearances, they're acting all cool and calm. But inside... they're doing a little happy dance, like the football running back that just nailed a touchdown. 

In referral marketing lingo, a "Golden Goose" is a person who keeps on giving you referrals over and over again. For a lender, that may be a builder or Realtor. For a printer, it may be a graphic artist. 

A personal injury attorney may find that a Chiropractor can be a Golden Goose for him or the attorney can be the Golden Goose referral source for the Chiropractor. It can work both ways.

To figure out who would be a good referral source for YOU, think about who your client might go to or call either just before they call you or just after. Here are some ideas:
  • The mother-of-the-bride might call the venue or wedding planner first.
  • The new business might call the accountant before the insurance person.
  • The home re-modeler might call the flooring company before the painter.
  • The homeowner may call pest control before they call the carpenter.
  • Newlyweds may call the travel agent before the life insurance agent.
With a little discovery work, you can locate who could become good referral sources for you. When you do, invite them to visit your business networking group. Meet with them and do a one-on-one. It should be easy to demonstrate how you can refer to each other.

That's how you find your Golden Goose.

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