Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Making Appointments After the Networking Event

If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.”   - Proverb

You may have heard the saying, "The fortune is in the follow-up."  It's very true. You went to the networking or Chamber event to create connections for potential sales. Am I right?
Now the ball is in your court. It's time to follow-up and get the appointment.

Research shows that buyers are not the ones to contact salespeople. The salesperson still has to contact the potential customer.

A phone call is still twice as effective as an email. With email, it's too easy for the customer to postpone, delay or cancel. Be brave, stop thinking about it and just pick up the phone.

  • When asking for an appointment: 
    • Identify yourself and remind them where you met or let them know who referred you to them.
    • Explain why you want to meet.
    • Mention a benefit to them.
    • Suggest a length of time, such as: "no more than a half an hour."
    • Offer possible dates, times and places.
    • Mention any others who will be present.
    • Give your phone number, address, and email address.
    • Express your appreciation for their time.
    • Tell them when you will call to remind them.

  • Helpful tips when making appointments:
    • Don't postpone, delay or cancel the meeting if at all possible.
    • If you do need to change a meeting, don't over apologize. Usually all you have to say is, "I'm sorry to have to cancel/reschedule..."
    • Be assertive about making appointments.
    • After setting up the appointment, follow-up with an email with time, date and place. Express appreciation for meeting with you.

Follow up is a successful salesperson's greatest strength. 

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