Friday, November 15, 2013

Get Results Today

There is a serious ROI (return on investment) in referral marketing. You don’t have to conquer mountains of information and technology to get results. You can get results starting today.

In college, I learned that a complete marketing plan included demographics, geographics and psycho-graphics  Out of college, I learned that things were dramatically different. Not that I’m ungrateful for my education, but there’s simply no substitute for experience. In this book, I offer you a one-of-a-kind gift, my experience and the solid experience of others and the place we start is with clarity.

As business people, we have come to realize that the key to long term success is clearly defined goals.

Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor.” said Brian Tracy, author, speaker and master of business growth strategies.

I’d like to tell you a short story about clear waters.

When I was fifteen, Dad and I would go fishing for small mouth bass in the east arm of Traverse Bay off of Lake Michigan. We would troll over the water intake where the weeds grew. My job was to stand on the front of the pontoon boat and to point out where the fish were. The water was that clear. When I spotted bass, Dad would position the boat so that we could either cast into them or just drop a line on top of them.

The crystal clear water made it easy to see what bait the fish were interested in and which ones they ignored, but the most frustrating part was to watch a large bass swim past and ignore the bait while the baby fish, barely bigger than the hook, nibbled at it.

Wouldn't it be great to have that kind of clarity when looking into your referral marketing strategy?  If you know exactly what creates a referral, you can plan on it, change your referral marketing strategy when you need to and set achievable goals. That would be like fishing for referrals in clear waters.

Successful people know that their habits determine their future. You can learn how to re-frame and reprogram yourself and your business into a referral mindset by ordering my classic book 3 Ways to Referral Success.

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