Remember the old playground rhythm...
"I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."
Recently, I was reading a newsletter from a good friend and missionary, Tony Cooke. He was relating the attributes of Teflon and Velcro to how we react to negative influences and people in our lives.
Things slide off of Teflon, while Velcro grabs and holds. Our peace of mind and emotional health is dependent of whether we're like Teflon or Velcro. What do we allow to slide off us and what sticks to us.
Some things need to slide off of us, like negative criticism, bad advice and poor influence. Some things, like positive support, sound advice and good influence we need to grab onto like Velcro.
When business networking, you'll run into all sorts of people, negative and positive. Think about the examples of Teflon and Velcro the next time you're at an event.
When you're approached by a business person that lives under a cloud of negative energy, let their uncomfortable conversation and influence slide off you as quick as an egg off Teflon. When you find yourself in the company of someone positive and uplifting, act like Velcro and grab onto all the good vibes and fellowship that you can.
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