Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Being Open to Receive

In the book, The Go-Giver, we’re introduced to the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success.  The culture of Gold Star Referral Clubs can be seen in these laws. Today, let’s look the final of the five laws:
“The Law of Receptivity.”

“The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.”
“Because human beings are born with appetite, nothing is more naturally geared toward being receptive than a baby, and if the secret of staying young, vibrant and vital throughout life is to hang onto those most precious characteristics we all have as children but which get drummed out of us—like having big dreams, being curious, and believing in yourself—then one of those characteristics is being open to receiving, being hungry to receive, being ravenous to receive!”

What comes to mind when you think about Giving and Receiving?

Most of us think more about “It’s better to give than receive.”  However, giving and receiving are but two sides of the same coin.

Being open and ready to receive is as important as giving.  

When the farmer plants an entire field, it is critical that he count on those seeds sprouting and growing. He knows that if he puts enough seed in good soil he’s going to have a good harvest.

If you plant an apple tree, you can expect it to bear fruit as a result of your labor and care.

In the same way, we can be open to receiving fruit from the labor and care that we put into our relationships.  We may not know exactly what the outcome will be or where it will come from; nor can we demand a return, but the law of give and receive promises that there will be a return.

When you are open to receive, you’re thankful and grateful for all things good that come into your life without keeping score.

Gold Star members are Go-Givers!

Beth Davis is a Certified Go-Giver Keynote Speaker.
Bring her to your next event.

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