Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dress to Impress

Looks matter! Even when business networking with friends. In fact, I've never heard any Gold Star Referral Club member complain about another member over dressing. However, we have heard comments about members that dress inappropriately.

Although business networking events are becoming more and more informal. Please remember that the next all-important referral may depend on how clean and/or professional you look.

Good or bad, you are ALWAYS making an impression.

Here are a few attire do's and don'ts:

  • Make sure that your clothes fit you and are well pressed.
  • Keep your your accessories, cologne and perfume subtle.
  • Have clean and nicely groomed hair and nails.
  • Consider wearing your "best client" clothes.
  • Wear appropriate daytime make-up and jewelry.
  • Wear see-through clothes, mini-skirts, low-cut blouses or anything too sexy.
  • Wear anything smelly, wrinkled, torn or mis-matched.
  • Display tattoos and body piercings.
  • Skip the shower or forget to wash your dirty hands.
When you're business networking, you are on the frontline of your business. It's like you're interviewing for referrals. Ask yourself, "Would I send business to me?"

The right clothing will instill confidence and will empower you to be your best.

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