Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is your 2014 ticking away?

2014 is ticking away, like a timer, counting down the year. 

Where does the time go? 

Did you think you were going to get a faster start this year? That your business would be doing better?

What should you do? I've found that one of the best ways to increase business is to get off your duff and get out of the office.

Many times, we get stuck in the paperwork of business and forget about the "people work" of  business. It takes work to create profitable relationships, business advocates and referral sources. There is a lot you can do to increase your business this year that doesn't include a computer, new software or another email campaign.

Consider building new relationships by attending a networking function for some good old belly-to-belly, eyeball to eyeball networking. Get out there and meet people that you've been "liking" on LinkedIn and Facebook. Attend your a local chamber event and reacquaint yourself with old allies. Solidify a new friendship that you started on Facebook with a handshake and a hot cup of coffee at Starbucks. Seek ways to add value to old relationships that have gotten stale with neglect.

The next time that you get an invitation to attend a business networking lunch, accept it and attend it. No matter what business you're in, it's still a "people" business. 

Step out there. Before you know it, Spring will have sprung and your smart phone will be full of new referrals, prospects and clients.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

3 Reasons Why Recession Survivors Will Succeed.

Over the last few years, we have seen small businesses survive and beat the odds. We started our very first Gold Star Referral Club in 2007, the same year that the economy took a nosedive and the Great Recession began to cripple businesses across the U.S.

The rebound has been bumpy. YET, each year since 2007, Gold Star has added more business people and opened more clubs across America, thanks to hard-working, committed members and determined business owners like you.

Some survived and beat the odds, some didn't.

This is the year, in 2014, that I believe you will see small businesses leap forward and here's why:
1. As a recession survivor you are TOUGH! You made it! You tightened your belt, re-aligned your goals and worked your tail off. Starting a business is rough, but maintaining growth is sometimes a miracle. You may have maxed out credit cards, narrowed your home meals down to macaroni and cheese and borrowed from relatives, but you made it through the gauntlet. Nothing will stop you now. You were tested by fire and are stronger than ever.
2. You're smarter than ever! You've learn to hire and fire based on your company structure, budget and purpose. You company is lean and mean, ready to work and determined. You didn't go through the hard years to fail now. Smart thinking got you here and it will take you forward to bigger and better things as you remember the hard lessons learned.
3. Passion carried you through the challenges. Your "why" is bigger than ever!  Your passion for what you do and how it serves others will ignite into a higher flame when fanned with the new year's growing economy. Rekindle the reason why you're passionate. Passionate business people create extraordinary results. 
I look forward to hearing and reading about your amazing accomplishments in 2014. Join our Facebook group at:  Facebook.com/groups/GoldStarClubs Be part of an awesome community of seasoned business networkers and contribute to the discussions. You don't have to be a Gold Star member to join our Facebook group, only a fan.

When People Talk - You Listen

"When people talk, listen completely.  Most people never listen."
— Ernest Hemingway: American novelist, writer and journalist

Listening is the one skill that separates ordinary friends from extraordinary friends. Develop this skill and you’ll make more friends, in your personal life and in business.

You listen with your eyes. When your eyes are on the speaker and not wondering around the room, the speaker knows that you care about what he is saying.

You listen with your body. Turn your face and body toward the speaker. You may find yourself leaning forward as you become more interested in what the speaker is saying.

You listen with your mind. The first thing to listen to when meeting someone is their name. Focus on what they're saying.  The speaker can easily tell when his audience is focused on what he's saying. A focused audience will energize the speaker.

You listen with your heart. When you're truly listening, you become emotionally involved in what's being said. It is natural to nod your head or to react emotionally.  You absorb what’s being said and empathize with the person’s story and situation.

Listening to the speaker with full attention demonstrates respect. By giving respect, you gain respect. At Gold Star Referral Clubs, every member gets an opportunity to speak in front of their referral group at least once a year. 

We're always looking for new Directors to start new clubs. If you know of someone, send them to www.GoldStarDirectors.com 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Teflon or Velcro? A lesson in deflecting negative influences.

Remember the old playground rhythm...
"I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." 

Recently, I was reading a newsletter from a good friend and missionary, Tony Cooke. He was relating the attributes of Teflon and Velcro to how we react to negative influences and people in our lives.

Things slide off of Teflon, while Velcro grabs and holds. Our peace of mind and emotional health is dependent of whether we're like Teflon or Velcro. What do we allow to slide off us and what sticks to us.

Some things need to slide off of us, like negative criticism, bad advice and poor influence.  Some things, like positive support, sound advice and good influence we need to grab onto like Velcro.

When business networking, you'll run into all sorts of people, negative and positive. Think about the examples of Teflon and Velcro the next time you're at an event.

When you're approached by a business person that lives under a cloud of negative energy, let their uncomfortable conversation and influence slide off you as quick as an egg off Teflon. When you find yourself in the company of someone positive and uplifting, act like Velcro and grab onto all the good vibes and fellowship that you can.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why resolutions don't work.

You can only aim at one.
It's only January 2nd and already we see our New Year resolutions slipping into the ditch. Why?

As we look at the previous year in retrospect, it's easy to see that with a few changes, the new year can be better. With that in mind, we love to set New Year resolutions and goals. 

A resolution is defined as a firm resolve to do or not to do something.  It's a decision, with a goal in mind. Resolutions by themselves are not goals. A resolution is like a car without a steering wheel, destined to go off the road within minutes of starting. In order to succeed, every resolution needs a strong goal.

It's only January 2nd, all is not lost. I would like to propose that you can succeed with your New Year's resolution this year with this simple 2 step plan.

1.) Only make one resolution. Never underestimate the power of one. One focus, one goal, one target.  Gary Keller, author of The One Thing says:
To-do lists tend to be long; success lists are short. One pulls you in all directions; the other aims you in a specific direction. One is disorganized and the other is an organized directive. 
If you want to succeed at your New Year's resolution this year just make one and clearly define what the goal is behind the decision. In the game of billiards the players can only strike one ball at a time,  A good strategy is that the one ball will hit other balls causing them to go into pockets, but the secret is still to focus on the direction of the one ball. The goal is to win the game.

What is the one direction that will make a difference, in your life, your work or your family? Perhaps, that is the one resolution that you should set this year. The goal is the result of that decision.

2.) Strike with a plan. Once you have decided what your one resolution is, you can power-up and strike. Thoughtful implementation of a plan will give you control and direction toward your goal. 

Again, going back to the game of billiards, you will never win if you hit the cue ball willy-nilly without a plan. It takes well calculated execution to use one ball as a catalyst, placing the other balls at strategic points for a win. 

When you decide on the one resolution that will be your catalyst for great change in your life, you MUST calculate the direction, the risk and the sacrifices that must be made in order to succeed. Then take steps each day toward that goal. The simpler the plan, the better.

Strangely enough, I have found that the success of implementing a great strategy nearly brings as much joy and positive posture as actually achieving the goal.  Of course, we know that success is in the journey. So start today and I wish you much success.

May I encourage you to consider Gold Star Referral Clubs as the catalyst that could make 2014 a success for you? Visit us at www.GoldStarClubs.com.